Police Snippets from Old Newspapers
I have put a succession of dots …… where there is more in the report, if you would like the rest, just contact me.
4 Sept 1852 – AGREE TO TAKE THE PLEDGE .. William WAY, for being drunk and disorderly at Ventnor, was fined 5/- with 7/6d, or to be made very uncomfortable in the stocks for six long hours. (IOW Observer)
4 Sept 1852 – A JUVENILE THEFT .. William MATTHEWS, a youngster, for stealing nectraines, the property of the Rev M.SHARP, Ventnor: ordered to pay the costs, 7/6d, his father engaging to give him a sound beating. (IW Observer)
1 May 1862 – TALES BY THE POLICE .. Bills were issued all over the town of Newport offering a reward of 20/-, to discover the person or persons, who spoilt the tails of several horses at Arreton Farm, by plucking or cutting the hair and then stealing it. (IW Times)
30 Mar 1871 – BOROUGH POLICE FORCE .. It is gratifying to learn that our borough police are commended by those whose duty it is to criticise, and who sometimes exercise that privilege to an unpleasant extent. The report of the Government Inspector of Police, Capt. Edward WILLIS, for last year, alludes to the condition of our borough force in complimentary terms. Capt. WILLIS concludes his comments with the words “the force is working efficiently.” That is a feather in the cap of Mr. Superintendent BURT, and we all know it is one he fully deserves. (IW Times)
21 Oct 1876 .. BOROUGH POLICE COURT at Ryde … William DASHWOOD of Prince Street and J. ELDRIDGE of Player Street were charged with, playing with certain coins in Quarry Road on the 8 Oct. DASHWOOD pitched one halfpenny into the road, but when they saw P.C. COUSINS they ran away. Both fined One shilling with costs.
28 Oct 1876 .. BOROUGH POLICE COURT at Ryde … Robert ALLEN of Seaview was fined five shillings and costs, for allowing 3 colts to stray on the public road, where it is only 14 feet wide.
6 Dec 1884 – POLICE FORCE .. At a meeting of the Watch Committee, held on Wednesday, Jesse LEALE of Havenstreet, was appointed Police Constable in the place of PC JACKMAN, resigned. (IW County Press)
28 Jan 1888 -ASSAULT .. PC Joseph SAVERY, High street, Cowes, was assaulted by John HEWETT, a stranger, a boilermaker, who had come to Cowes looking for employment. Fined 10/- and 4/- costs. (IW Advertiser, Ryde & Ventnor Times)
15 Sept 1888 – SUDDEN DEATH .. The town was startled by the news of the death of Mr J. DOLOHAN, an ex-sergeant of the Army and the Metropolitan Police, who fell down dead in the High st. Mr DOLOHAN was 65 years of age and a prominent member of the Liberal Club. He had seen good service in the Crimean Campaign and the Indian Mutiny and after discharge, spent 15 years in the Metropolitan Police Force …… (IW Advertiser, Ryde & Ventnor Times)
3 Jan 1891 – A NEW CONSTABLE .. At a meeting of the Watch Committee, Ryde, on Thursday night, Mr H.R.WETHERICK of Arthur street, was appointed police constable in the room of PC WATSON, promoted. There were some two dozen candidates. (IW County Press)
18 July 1896 .. RYDE … Mr WATTS asked whether it was not possible to have one or two policemen on duty in Union street when there were large excursions. On Saturday there were very disorderly scenes. One man was pushed through the window of Yelf’s Hotel and no policemen were in the street. Mr WATTS said it paralyses our business, Capt SWEETMAN said it is a perfect nuisance altogether.
17 Oct 1896 – TRANSFER .. PC FOYLE who has been stationed here at Yarmouth for some time, has this week been removed to Sandown and the best wishes of the inhabitants go with him for his future success and promotion in the force. (IW County Press)
3 Sept 1898 .. WILFUL MURDER … The terrible and cruel murder of a Newport school-boy, named Percy HAYTER last week in Parkhurst Barrack field. A confession of the crime was made by Maurice HOLBROOK, who had recently discharged himself from the Workhouse Infirmary……..
20 Jan 1900 – USE OF THE TELEPHONE .. A youth named Arthur George ERSKINE of Alfred street, Ryde, who absconded from his home on Monday, was the same day apprehended at Cowes by PC BUNDAY. ERSKINE was charged with having stolen 18pounds belonging to a lodger. Mr Supt. HINKS of Ryde Police, telephoned the description of the young fellow and this led to his prompt arrest …… (IW County Press)
?? June 1902 – FRIENDLY INVASION .. On Wednesday last week between 300 and 400 excursionists from Portsmouth visited Oldgate Farm, Seaview, and partook of tea. The party included members of the Portsmouth Police, with their wives &c., and children. Various games were indulged in and dancing to the strains of the very fine brass band of about 30 policemen. Many villagers appeared on the scene to listen to the admirable music provided. Mr. COOPER catered in his well-known style. (IW County Press)
17 Oct 1903 – Detective-Inspector LEWIS, of Wolverhampton, whose cleverness in tracing a young lady who had been missing from Blackpool for two months, is acknowledged in today’s daily papers, was one of the candidates for the post of Superintendent of the Ryde Borough Police. (IW Observer)
30 Jan 1909 .. ABUSING HIS MOTHER… Joseph LOCKYER of Newport, was convicted on the evidence of PC MORRISON, of using bad language towards his mother in Robin Hood street, on the night of the 16th inst. Fined 5s. and 7s.6d. costs, in default seven days, after Inspector CASS had put in a list of five previous convictions against him.
29 Jan 1910 – DEATH OF A VETERAN .. We record with much regret the death of ex-Police-Sergt Edwin MARTIN, which occurred on Tuesday morning, after a long illness. Mr MARTIN was one of the first members of the Ryde Borough Police Force when it was formed on Feb 14th 1869. In a few years he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant together with Mr. HOLLOWAY, and held that rank for a number of years. He retired from the force about 10 years ago when holding the rank of senior sergeant and was presented with a handsome testimonial by his brother officers. Since his retirement he has been the holder of the licence of the Elephant and Castle in Green-street. In his earliest days Mr. MARTIN was an under-keeper to Lord LECONFIELD and served in the Sussex Constabulary before coming to Ryde. His age was 65. (IW County Press)
6 Aug 1910: OLD RYDER’S PLUCKY ACT .. P.C. LEAL of the Metropolitan Police stationed at Harlesden, a son of Mr. LEAL of 14 Albert-street, performed a very courageous act on Friday. A boy named Jack ENNIS was fishing in the Grand Junction Canal near Acton when he overbalanced and fell in. P.C. LEAL who was near and heard his cries, throwing off his helmet and tunic, sprang into the water and swam to the lad who was rapidly becoming exhausted. Our readers will readily praise an old townsman for his courage. (IW Observer)
13 Aug 1910 – It is stated that H.M.S. Rainbow which has been bought by the Dominion Government, will leave Portsmouth for Esquimelt on August 20th. One of the crew will be ex-PC OSBORNE, who has resigned from the Ryde Borough Police Force in order to take up a position in the new Canadian Navy. (IW County Press)
4 Nov 1911 – On behalf of the Ryde Borough Police Force, Chief Constable Charles GREENSTREET, presented ex-PC HAYES with a handsome clock as a memento of his past services and comradeship. Ex-PC HAYES retired from the force on Sept 23rd last year, he having then attained the age limit, 55 years, after 22 years excellent service. His late brother officers felt that Mr. HAYES should not be allowed to go without some little token of their respect and regard of their appreciation of his comradeship…… (IW Observer)
1 June 1912 – DEATH .. We record with much regret the death of Mr. George HINKS, ex-superintendent of the Ryde Borough Police Force. After a long and painful illness Mr. HINKS died on sunday at Charlton Horethorne, Somerset, at the age of 69. He joined the Ryde Force in 1869 as a constable, and rose to the position of superintendent by the display of marked energy and ability, succeeding the late Superintendent BURT. When he retired on October 31st 1903, he received a handsome testimonial from the members of the Force. The funeral took place on Wednesday, and among the wreaths was a magnificent floral token from Chief Constable Charles GREENSTREET and the members of the Ryde Borough Police Force. (IW County Press)
21 Mar 1914 – Ryde Police played a billiard match against All Saints’ Guild (see write up in “Sports” section).
22 Apr 1915 – RYDE .. Mr. Albert James BURDEN of Well-street was on Monday sworn in before the Borough Justices as a special Constable for the borough. (IW Times)
11 Mar 1916 – SERIOUS FIRE AVERTED .. Special Constable F. SIBBICK when passing WITHAM Bros cycle and motor works in the high street, noticed a fire in the shop ceiling and aroused the occupier, an electical wire had fused and melted a gas pipe, igniting the escaping gas. With the assistance of PS SHOTTER they promptly put the fire out. (IW County Press)
2 Dec 1916 – RYDE POLICEMAN WINS MILITARY MEDAL – Sergt. O.H. PALMER of the Borough Police Force and now serving in France, recently wrote to the Chief Constable and the following are extracts from his letters; I have not enlightened you of the fact that I am now the proud possessor of the Military Medal. You say that I am lucky to dodge the Huns, well, they frequently try to give us a treat and I still hope to be lucky. I get the County Press each week and still follow the details of the town closely. (IW County Press)
01 Nov 1919 – PRESENTATION – On his retirement from the Metropolitan Police ex-PC. G. CARPENTER, a native of the town of Ryde, has been presented with a silver watch by comrades of L Division. (IW County Press)
2 Sept 1922 – POLICE CHANGES .. PC ROGERS, Totland Bay, who has been the able policeman here during the war is being transferred to the headquarter staff at Newport early in September, and PC SAMPSON from Sandown will take his place. (IW County Press)
30 Sept 1922 – POLICE SURGEON .. Dr. FIRMAN-EDWARDS has been appointed Police Surgeon for Ryde district at a fee of 13s. per annum for each member of the force in the district. (IW Observer)
12 Oct 1929 – PRESENTATION .. PC LAVERY, at the Police-station on Monday the Deputy Chief Constable, Supt. John SALTER, made a pleasing presentation to PC George LAVERY, who retired that day after 26 years service in the Force. In handing Mr. LAVERY a handsome hanging clock with Westminster chimes, described him as a most cheerful, willing, and efficient officer, and expressed great regret at losing him. He wished him and Mrs. LAVERY every happiness in their retirement. Inspector A. MORRISON also paid a tribute to PC LAVERY’s long service record, which was endorsed by PS SNOW (Ventnor) and PC HODGES. Mr. LAVERY suitably responded. (IW Times)
10 Sept 1931 – PRESENTATION .. PS James MERRITT who retired last week after 26 years’ service in the Isle of Wight Constabulary, was presented at the station with an oak Westminster chiming clock by Capt. H. G. ADAMS-CONNOR, M.V.O., D.L. (Chief Constable) who said that Sergeant MERRITT left the Force with an exemplary character and the best of good wishes…… (IW Times)
12 Feb 1932 – POLICE CHANGES .. New Deputy Chief Constables – We understand that Supt SALTER who has been the Deputy Chief Constable for 10 years in succession to the late Mr. J.H. GALLAWAY, and is retiring on pension next month after over 40 years service in the I.W County Constabulary, will be succeeded by Inspector Andrew MORRISON, on promotion to Supt and Deputy Chief Constable. Mr. SALTER’s successor is, like himself, a native of the Island. Inspector H. ROGERS (Cowes) will be transferred to Ryde, and PS Oliver SNOW (Ventnor) will go to Cowes on promotion to Inspector. PS DOBSON will be transferred to Ventnor. (IW County Press)